Stunting Cases in Indonesia: A little notes

Stunting is a nutritional problem that is quite significant related to the growth and development of the child. The state of stunting is an indicator of nutritional problems from a long-standing condition. Such as the problem of poverty, unhealthy behavior, parenting and giving poor food intake.
Stunting toddlers generally also have lower intelligence than normal toddlers. In addition, stunting toddlers are also easier to suffer from non-communicable diseases as adults and have lower work productivity.
Factors that contribute to stunted growth and development include poor maternal health and nutrition, insufficient food intake, and infection. Other factors from the side of the mother that can cause stunting include short stature, the distance of birth is too close, and teen pregnancy, which interferes with nutritional intake to the fetus.
Other factors in terms of nutrition include inadequate food intake for the child, including non-optimal breastfeeding (non-exclusive breastfeeding) and complementary breastfeeding foods which are limited in quantity, quality and variety.
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