Stories Friends Bank of America: Collaboration BOFA and FMCHI

Nurhikmah (Teacher of Community Pre School Sehat Ceria, Head of Community Health Post, and POKJA 2 Bojonggede Village)

In 2012, Ibu Nur became one of the Community Health Post cadres who participated in the feeding program organized by Foundation of Mother and Child Health Indonesia. While participating in the nutrition improvement program for malnourished and stunted children in 4 Neighbourhood Bojonggede, she was happy because there was an improvement in the nutritional status of the children under the program. “I am happy to be involved in the success of the feeding program. Maybe that is also the motivation for me to continue my undergraduate education in Community Pre School and now I can apply the knowledge to teach and coach children in Community Pre School.

Community Pre School Sehat Ceria Bojonggede was established as a follow-up to the successful feeding program run by Ibu Nur and other Community Health Post cadres with the aim of expanding and continuing the benefits of the program. The construction of Community Pre School Sehat Ceria, Bojonggede Bogor was carried out in 2014 using land grants owned by Bojonggede residents and the building construction process was supported by Bank of America. Currently, the building is one of the public facilities that is used not only for the teaching and learning process of Community Pre School, but also for community activities such as Community Health Post, children’s recitation, community meetings, and other community activities. “The foundation’s programs such as child nutrition monitoring, weighing, nutrition counseling, and classes for pregnant women are a complete package that makes Community Pre School Sehat Ceria a model Community Pre School for others in the Bojonggede area.” Said Ibu Nur. Currently, Ibu Nur is one of the teachers at Community Pre School Sehat Ceria. She, along with a team of teachers and Community Health Post cadres, will continue to strive to synergize the Community Pre School program with existing programs at Community Health Post.

Sri Dewi & Lukman Deri Nur Hakim (parents and students of Community Pre School Sehat Ceria 1st generation)

Ibu Dewi sent her only son, Lukman Deri Nur Hakim, to Community Pre School Sehat Ceria, Bojonggede in 2014. Lukman became one of the first batch of students at Community Pre School Sehat Ceria. During her son’s schooling, Ibu Sri actively involved herself and her son in activities organized by Community Pre School such as routinely bringing healthy lunches for her son according to the guidelines provided, attending dental check-ups, and participating in skills training for mothers. The education provided by Community Pre School Sehat Ceria to her child matches her expectations.  “I am happy that my child can read fluently after graduating from Community Pre School Sehat Ceria. His growth and development is also optimized and I feel helped because I received guidance on proper nutrition for my child during his growth period from the foundation’s nutritionist staff.” Ibu Sri Dewi said.

She feels that during Lukman’s time at Community Pre School Sehat Ceria, his growth and health were monitored. This is partly due to the nutritional monitoring activities for Community Pre School students under the guidance of the Balita Sehat Foundation which are carried out regularly every month by the nutritionist staff of the Foundation of Mother and Child Health Indonesia. Lukman Deri Nur Hakim is currently 14 years old and is in the 3rd grade of junior high school. After graduating, Lukman plans to continue his education at the SMK Tourism, choosing the Hospitality major.

Hema Malini (Parent & an active participant in maternity class and Community Health Post program)

Ibu Hema has regularly attended maternity classes since the beginning of her second pregnancy in 2022. Ibu Hema admitted that she gained a lot of knowledge that she did not know before. The material about childbirth techniques was very useful for her because it could be practiced directly when she gave birth to her second child 2 months ago. She had difficulty expressing breast milk. However, she was greatly helped by the material on how to facilitate breastfeeding obtained in the pregnant women’s class. “After giving birth, my breast milk got stuck. Then I remembered the material from the pregnant women’s class on how to facilitate breast milk. So I tried to practice directly doing massage to facilitate breast milk, thank God after my milk came out untill now.”

In addition to maternity classes, Hema also diligently participates in all Community Health Post programs for her first child, who is also a student at Community Pre School Sehat Ceria. Ibu Hema admits that the Community Health Post and child health monitoring activities at Community Pre School really help her monitor her children’s growth and development, make her more aware of child nutrition problems that must be addressed, and support her in caring for her children to grow optimally. To date, Hema’s first child and her second child, who is only 2 months old, are routinely monitored for nutritional and health status by Foundation staff and also regularly receive nutritional counseling. This intensive and comprehensive health care program for mothers and children is not yet available in other areas around Bogor or elsewhere in Indonesia.

The grant provided by Bank of America to Foundation of Mother and Child Health Indonesia is used to foster, monitor, and assist children and families. Not only focusing on health, but also coaching in terms of community development, cognitive development of children, and assistance in improving the welfare of families assisted by Foundation of Mother and Child Health Indonesia.

The stories above are just a few success stories from a total of 6,582 Community Pre School students assisted by Foundation of Mother and Child Health Indonesia in 20 villages and they are Friends Bank of America.