Green Business Training in Sumba Barat Daya & Timor Tengah Selatan: Encouraging Sustainable Entrepreneurship for a Better Future

On September 13-14, 2024, a green business training was held at Sinar Tambolaka Hotel, Sumba Barat Daya, NTT. The event brought together 8 business teams, comprising teachers and parents from eight different PAUD (early childhood education centers) supported by FMCH Indonesia. The aim was to enhance participants’ skills and knowledge in developing social enterprises with […]

A Day of Learning and Giving: Bank of America’s CSR Event with FMCH Indonesia

On Saturday, August 24, 2024, the children and parents of PAUD Sehat Ceria, Bojonggede arrived at Aviary Park, Bintaro, greeted by bright skies and warm sunshine. Excitement lit up their faces as they prepared for the CSR Day activities organized by Bank of America. The same enthusiasm was mirrored by Bank of America’s staff, who […]

Indonesia Maternal Mental Health Alliance Video Campaign: Mom Need Your Help!

Mom really need your help! Give a little time to mom. Listen to her complaints, give her the opportunity to do things that make her feel more comfortable such as doing hobbies or activities that she likes. If needed, accompany mom to see a psychologist or psychiatrist for consultation. All for the good of mom, […]

Indonesia Maternal Mental Health Alliance Video Campaign: Please seek for help mom!

During pregnancy and postpartum, ensuring a mother’s mental health is just as important as ensuring her physical health. Unfortunately, mental health information on this subject in Indonesia is limited. Mom, you are never alone. There are many other moms who feel the same way. So, seek help, for your own sake and for the sake […]