At the end of 2024 FMCH Indonesia is once again entrusted by Bank of America to distribute packages filled with love and affection in the form of Christmas hampers for children and teachers at PAUDs assisted by FMCH Indonesia spread across Sumba Barat Daya and Timor Tengah Selatan.
This program is a grant from Bank of America with the aim of improving the nutrition and lives of FMCH Indonesia assisted families in NTT by providing basic food ingredients and healthy snacks as additional food for children. The year 2024 is the second year FMCH Indonesia is trusted by Bank of America to distribute this good gesture after the previous Food Drive 2023 was successfully implemented at the beginning of this year.
Food Drive 2024 has been completed by FMCH Indonesia field staff in Sumba Barat Daya and Timor Tengah Selatan in weeks 3-4 of December 2024. The Food Drive funds we received have been successfully distributed to 20 PAUD with a total of 816 hampers given. The details of the beneficiaries, namely the Sumba Barat Daya work area, hampers were given to 456 children and 30 teachers. While in Timor Tengah Selatan the hampers were given to 292 children and 38 teachers.
“Thank you to Bank of America through the Yayasan Balita Sehat that has taken part in helping to improve child nutrition in Sumba, especially in the Santa Maria Pakondawatu pre-school so that in the future Sumba children, especially Santa Maria Pakondawatu pre-school children, their nutrition is growing and children are getting better and brighter in the future.” Manager of Santa Maria Pakondawatu PAUD, Sumba Barat Daya.
“We received Christmas gifts at the end of 2024. Thank you to the donors, Bank of America and Yayasan Toddler Sehat Indonesia for always accompanying us and seeing us in our respective PAUD institutions.” Buin Noni PAUD manager, Timor Tengah Selatan.
Thank you to Bank of America for initiating this activity and continuing to be fully committed in supporting FMCH Indonesia’s efforts to improve the nutrition of children in Indonesia, eradicating malnutrition especially in our working area in NTT. Let us continue our efforts to build prosperous families and a bright future for our next generation.