To celebrate the National Health Day which fell on November 15, FMCH Indonesia collaborated with the Ngesrep Community Health Center, Semarang, held a talkshow about preventing stunting and a PMT healthy menu creation competition for Posyandu cadres.
The speaker of the talkshow was Mr. A Fahmy Arfi Tsani, S.Gz, M.Sc, RD who is a lecturer at the Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, conveying about the causes and effects of stunting, as well as how to prevent it. In Indonesia, the stunting rate in general has decreased, but still exceeds the maximum limit of the WHO.
Stunting is influenced from the start of pregnancy, where the mother’s health is very important for the health and development of the baby. FMCH Indonesia as an NGO that has a high commitment to maternal and child health, as well as the Ngesrep Puskesmas, wants to jointly contribute in reducing stunting rates in each working area.
Through the healthy menu creation competition, it is hoped that the Posyandu in the working area of the Ngesrep Puskesmas can provide innovation to mothers to improve children’s nutrition, and it is hoped that it can have an influence on suppressing stunting rates.
In this competition, 135 cadres from 27 Posyandu participated in the healthy menu creation competition. All participants were very enthusiastic and creative in making menus and serving so that it looked very attractive. The participants’ creations were assessed by the jury, namely Mrs. Fillah Fithra Dieny, S.Gz, M.Si (Lecturer at the Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, UNDIP), Mr. Adi Prihantio (Chef Hotel @HOM Semarang), and Mrs. Siti Endah Wahyuningsih. , S.KM (Semarang City Health Office).
Posyandu Trisari, Kel. Ngesrep with the PMT Bantayu menu won 1st place and was entitled to receive a prize of IDR 1,000,000 from FMCH Indonesia. Meanwhile, Posyandu Anggur 1, Kel. Sumurboto with the PMT Soes Gulung Tempe menu won 2nd place with a prize of IDR 750,000 and Posyandu Anyelir, Kel. Tinjomoyo with the PMT Schotel Roasted Red Beans menu won 3rd place with a prize of IDR 500,000.
The entire nutrition-rich and affordable menu will be documented by FMCH Indonesia in a special book so that it can benefit more mothers and children in Indonesia.