There are many ways to donate, and this unique way by a young talented designer, Pandu Yosomartono, might inspire others. Pandu has committed to donate 10% from the clothes he makes, to develop art education for children under 5 years old, and to educate pregnant women in Jakarta and East Nusa Tenggara.
On Saturday 14th May 2016, he re-launched his designer clothes Collection No. 1, 2016 at Glass Room, Jakarta National Museum. He wants, through his collection, to be the connection between his clients and the Foundation for Mother and Child Health Indonesia. As an artistic director from the House of Pandu Yosomartono, Pandu constitutes the “Titik Nadir” theme by Indonesian artist Mr. Sunaryo. “Titik Nadir” was published in the year 1998 and was based on depression, which the artist reflected as a problem in this country. Pandu interpreted “Titik Nadir” as the lowest level of life, in the Pandu Yosomartono Collection No. 1, 2016.
The Artistic Director wants to give a message to his audience about the social and environmental issues around him. Messages about darkness, depression, anger, injustice and loneliness, but, that there is also still hope. “This event is one step to help mothers and children in West Timor who suffer in the lowest level of health and life conditions, to better conditions. We move from ‘titik nadir’ to better life for Indonesia,” said Syifa Andina, FMCH Indonesia Chairwoman, in the beginning of her speech.
Pandu indirectly commits to empower women and children in Indonesia. On that night, Pandu also gave FMCH Indonesia the opportunity to show our work in Cipete, Bojonggede, and East Nusa Tenggara through a photography exhibition. There were 12 photos presented at the event, which directly informed the audience about FMCH Indonesia.
Collection No. 1, 2016, is a collection of the highest award for the arts, as an Indonesian change agent. Pandu was not alone when he launched his collection. He worked with numerous Indonesian women such as Suri Suria, an Indonesian emerging painter, Chyntia Niari, a very accomplished pianist, Dena Rahman and Anggie Akbar from DRAMA. Mrs. Ira Lembong, a FMCH Indonesia co-founder, also walked the catwalk and presented Pandus’ clothes.
Thank you for the support that you give to FMCH Indonesia. We really appreciate it Pandu!