Semarang, March 25th, 2018 – The FMCH Programme Manager, Helga Dyah and the Head of Banyumanik Village, Mrs. Dewi Meirjana inaugurated the Semarang branch office which will operate in the region of Central Java and its surrounding areas. Over 100 residents and village officers attended, as well as the village head, the local representative of Community Health Centres (Puskesmas). The ceremony started with dancing and singing.
Mrs. Dewi Meirjana said in her speech that she was very appreciative and grateful that FMCH Indonesia is working in her area. Similarly, the village head, Mr Samino confirmed his support of FMCH’s roles in his community. Then the FMCH Programme Manager, Helga Dyah, outlined the programmes that will be held soon in FMCH Semarang, such as Rumah Baca, health education and cooking classes. Helga Dyah, together with the village heads and representative of the Community Health Centers cut the inauguration ribbon together and all the participants applauded.
The event continued with a talk show hosted by Bunda Darosi, Psychology Lecturer of Universitas Diponegor, discussing the various factors affecting children’s growth. The children also participated in a colouring competition. The ceremony concluded with prize-giving for the colouring competition and other competitions. The event went well, and all participants were happy when leaving the new office.
We look forward to the continued success of the programmes which began on 10th April, 2018 with a mini training session for workers at the mother-and-child health clinic (Posyandu) discussing supplementary feeding, anthropometry and 4 mother-and-child health related tables. This training is crucial in the work to empower both clinic workers and mothers and children in the area.
As an organization engaged in maternal and child health, FMCH has been working in the field of maternal and child health and education. A key learning project that has been launched is “Rumah Baca” (Reading House), which has been running since the beginning of March 2018, where children gather together for the afternoon to read and learn under the supervision of FMCH Semarang staff, Destie Nur Laili Vitiana.